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Complete Shopify SEO Checklist to Enhance Your Store’s Ranking

Is it not every e-commerce business owner’s dream to show up as number one on Google?

Ranking first in search engines can increase your daily traffic by up to 30%.

That means more people visiting your online store and making purchases.

The best part?

You can rank number one for free!

In today’s digital age, harnessing the power of SEO is your golden ticket to improving your Shopify store’s rank on search engines.

This comprehensive Shopify SEO checklist will guide you through the essential steps to enhance your site’s visibility and drive more traffic, leading to more sales.

So, let’s dive in!

Basic Setup

  1. Install Google Analytics

The first step is setting up Google Analytics.

This tool is the bread and butter of SEO analytics, allowing you to track key performance indicators (KPIs) like traffic and revenue from organic searches.

  • Create a Google Analytics account.
  • Connect it to your Shopify store by navigating to Online Store > Preferences > Google Analytics.
  • Add your Google Analytics account ID.

This step is crucial for understanding your audience’s behavior.

Imagine being able to see which products are getting the most attention and which pages are causing visitors to leave.

With Google Analytics, you get this insight and much more..

  1. Set Up Google Search Console

Google Search Console is another essential tool.

It provides insights into queries used to find your site, crawl and indexation issues, and Core Web Vitals performance.

  • Head to the Search Console website.
  • Create an account and verify your domain.

Search Console can be a game-changer.

It’s like having a backstage pass to see how Google views your site.

You can identify which keywords bring traffic, find and fix errors, and understand how your site is performing in search results.

  1. Submit Your Sitemap.xml to Search Console

Submitting your sitemap.xml helps Google find and index your site’s key content.

  • In Google Search Console, go to Index > Sitemaps > Add a new sitemap.
  • Enter your sitemap URL (typically “sitemap.xml”).

Your sitemap is like a roadmap for search engines, guiding them to all your important pages.

Without it, some pages might be overlooked, leaving potential traffic on the table.

  1. Perform Keyword Research

Knowing which keywords to target is crucial.

You can brainstorm terms, review competitor sites, use Google Ads data, or analyze Search Console queries.

  • List 100-300 priority keywords.
  • Use tools like Ahrefs, Moz, and SEMrush for in-depth research.

Keyword research is the foundation of your SEO strategy.

Think of it as understanding the language your potential customers speak.

By targeting the right keywords, you can attract visitors who are actively searching for what you offer.

  1. Track Your Keywords

While Google Analytics and Search Console provide traffic data, they don’t track keyword rankings over time.

Use rank tracking tools like STAT, Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush.

  • Monitor individual keyword rankings.
  • Track overall site ranking performance.

Tracking keywords allows you to see how your SEO efforts are paying off.

It’s like keeping score in a game—you need to know if you’re winning or losing.

Shopify On-Page SEO Checklist

  1. Optimize Your Category & Product Page Title Tags

Ensure your title tags are optimized with target keywords.

These tags send strong on-page signals to Google.

  • Include primary keywords in the title tag.
  • Keep it concise and relevant.

Your title tag is the first impression users get in search results.

Make it count by clearly describing the content and enticing users to click through to your site.

  1. Ensure URLs Have a Clean Structure

Optimized URLs are short, readable, and keyword-rich.

  • Avoid unnecessary words.
  • Use hyphens instead of underscores.

A clean URL structure helps both users and search engines understand your page content.

It’s like giving clear directions—no one likes getting lost!

  1. Identify Internal Linking Opportunities

Internal links help Google crawl your site and improve user navigation.

  • Add internal links in blog posts.
  • Use “Related Products” sections on product pages.

Internal linking is like creating a web of connections on your site.

It keeps visitors engaged and helps distribute page authority, boosting your overall SEO.

  1. Improve Your Website Navigation

Good navigation helps users and Google find important pages.

  • Are key collections and products easily accessible?
  • Does the navigation work well on mobile devices?

Think of your website navigation as the map to a treasure hunt.

If it’s confusing, visitors might give up and leave.

Keep it straightforward and user-friendly.

  1. Create Blog Content to Target Long-Tail Queries

High-quality blog content can capture users early in their purchase journey.

  • Write posts that answer common customer questions.
  • Optimize for long-tail keywords.

Blogs are a fantastic way to attract traffic.

By addressing common questions and pain points, you can position yourself as an authority in your niche.

Picture idea: Screenshot of a Shopify blog with optimized content.

  1. Use a Content Optimization Tool for Product Descriptions

Thin content on product pages can be a serious hindrance for e-commerce websites.

Make sure you take the time to craft original, descriptive product descriptions that include relevant keywords, synonyms, and related terms.

  • Use a content optimizer tool to identify related keywords.
  • Include them naturally in your product descriptions.

Imagine walking into a store with no information about the products.

Frustrating, right?

Detailed product descriptions help customers make informed decisions, boosting your sales.

  1. Optimize Your Alt Text

Your Shopify website likely has lots of images that showcase your products.

But remember, Google cannot see your images.

It’s important you communicate to Google what those images are through descriptive file names and keyword-rich alt text.

  • Use descriptive file names for images.
  • Add keyword-rich alt text to your images.

Alt text is like a secret code that tells search engines what your images are about.

It’s crucial for accessibility and SEO.

Shopify Technical SEO Checklist

  1. Perform a Crawl of Your Site

Use tools like Screaming Frog to identify issues like broken links, unoptimized title tags, and canonical tag problems.

  • Fix any identified issues promptly.
  • Prioritize technical SEO tasks.

A site crawl is like a health check-up for your website.

It helps you spot and fix issues that could be holding back your SEO performance.

  1. Check Your Robots.txt File

Ensure your robots.txt file is properly configured to prevent Google from crawling unnecessary areas.

  • Check for default blocks on checkout, cart, and internal search pages.
  • Adjust as needed for custom store configurations.

Your robots.txt file is like a doorman, telling search engines where they can and can’t go on your site.

Make sure it’s giving the right instructions.

  1. Crawl Your Sitemap.xml File

Ensure your sitemap.xml is clean and includes all key pages.

  • Use Screaming Frog in “List” mode to crawl the sitemap.
  • Look for pages returning 404/3xx status codes.

A clean sitemap ensures that search engines can easily find and index your important pages, maximizing your site’s visibility.

  1. Review Your Structured Data Implementation

Structured data helps Google understand your page content.

  • Use the Schema Markup Validator to check your structured data.
  • Ensure key properties like “aggregate Rating” on product pages are correctly populated.

Structured data is like giving Google a cheat sheet about your content.

It helps search engines display your information more attractively in search results.

  1. Implement Lazy Loading

Lazy loading improves page speed by loading images only when they’re in the viewport.

  • Use the lazy sizes library to implement lazy loading.
  • Check if your collection pages are using lazy loading.

Lazy loading is a great way to speed up your site.

It’s like serving food only when your guests arrive at the table, ensuring everything stays fresh and quick.

  1. Check for Indexation Issues from JavaScript

Ensure important content is indexed by Google, even if it relies on JavaScript.

  • Turn off JavaScript in your browser and see which elements still load.
  • Use Google’s Mobile Friendly Testing Tool.

JavaScript can sometimes hide content from search engines.

Make sure your important content is visible and indexable.

  1. Review the Index Coverage Report

This report in Google Search Console shows how Google is crawling and indexing your site.

  • Look for URLs with statuses like “Blocked by robots.txt” or “Crawled – currently not indexed.”
  • Address any issues found.

The Index Coverage Report is like a report card for your site’s indexing health.

It helps you understand and fix issues that might be affecting your visibility.

Common SEO Challenges for E-Commerce Websites

E-commerce sites often face unique SEO challenges.

  • Thin Content: Product pages may lack sufficient content.
  • Duplicate Content: Similar product pages can lead to duplication issues.
  • Poor Site Architecture: A disorganized structure can hurt SEO.
  • Not Utilizing Schema: Missing out on structured data opportunities.

Addressing these challenges is crucial for maintaining a healthy SEO strategy.

Make sure to regularly review and optimize your site to avoid these common pitfalls.

Automated SEO Features in Shopify

Shopify offers several built-in SEO features.

  • Auto-generated rel-canonical tags: Avoid duplicate content penalties.
  • Auto-generated robots.txt and sitemap.xml files.
  • Automatic SSL certificates: Secure HTTPS protocols.
  • Auto-generated page titles: Include store name.

These features make it easier to manage your SEO, allowing you to focus on creating great content and providing a fantastic user experience.

Off-Page SEO Checklist

  1. Build Links to Your Shopify Site

High-quality backlinks boost your site’s credibility.

  • Create shareable content like blog posts.
  • Get featured in gift guides or product roundups.
  • Guest blog on relevant sites.

Backlinks are like votes of confidence from other sites.

The more high-quality links you have, the more trustworthy your site appears to search engines.

  1. Invest in Public Relations

Public relations help earn links from authoritative sites.

  • Use Help-A-Reporter Out (HARO) to find opportunities.
  • Send samples to writers and journalists.

Good PR can skyrocket your visibility.

Imagine getting featured in a major publication—it’s like winning the SEO lottery.

Shopify Website Maintenance

  1. Regularly Audit Your Website

Over time, your site will change.

Regular audits help identify performance issues.

  • Check for broken links and repair them.
  • Review analytics data to adjust SEO strategies.

A regular audit is like a tune-up for your car.

It keeps everything running smoothly and prevents bigger issues down the road.

  1. Study the Data and Iterate

Use analytics to continuously improve your SEO.

  • Adjust keyword targeting based on performance data.
  • Optimize page content and internal linking.

SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it strategy.

Continually analyze your data and refine your approach to stay ahead of the competition.


SEO is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort.

By following this Shopify SEO checklist, you can improve your store’s visibility and drive more traffic.

Remember, it’s not just about climbing the ranks—it’s about staying there.


  1. What is a Shopify SEO checklist? 

A Shopify SEO checklist is a guide that helps you optimize your Shopify store to improve its ranking on search engines.

  1. Why is keyword research important? 

Keyword research helps you understand what your potential customers are searching for, allowing you to target those terms effectively.

  1. How often should I audit my website? 

Regular audits, ideally quarterly, help identify and fix performance issues, ensuring your site stays optimized.

  1. What are structured data and why are they important? 

Structured data provides search engines with additional information about your page, improving your chances of appearing in rich search results.

  1. How can I maximize my SEO efforts?

 Leveraging strategic insights and data-driven strategies can significantly enhance your SEO result

For example, using a tool like AzLytics can provide powerful insights to help you stay ahead of the competition.

And remember, using advanced tools and analytics can make a big difference in your SEO game. Strategic insights powered by AI can help you stay ahead of the competition